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Prof. Charlotte Nana Wrigley-Asante

Please describe your research in nontechnical language:
I have several years of research experience in gender, poverty and women’s empowerment issues in Ghana. Specifically, my research focuses on gendered livelihoods in different geographical spaces and how it’s linked to issues of poverty and empowerment. In urban areas, I have looked at women’s livelihoods especially among migrant women in informal trading activities in Accra as well as women in informal cross-border trading activities within the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) sub-region. I also focus on gender issues in the urbanization process especially issues of safety and security in urban neighbourhoods in Ghana. In rural settings, I have been particularly interested in how poverty reduction programmes has impacted on lives and livelihoods of men and women as well as the effects of climate change on livelihoods. I have skills and expertise in gender analysis in addition to collecting and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data.

How would you explain what you do to someone unfamiliar with your work and field? 
My work seeks to promote gender equitable policies that will ensure that both males and females get equal opportunity and benefit equally in society, whether in a rural or an urban setting.

What draws you to your work? 
I enjoy sharing experiences with younger people (both female and male).

What's your favorite course to teach and why?
One of my favourite courses is Geography of Gender and Development in Africa. This is an undergraduate course and I enjoy teaching because the course examines the spatial variations of gender inequalities and how to address these inequalities in society. It provides the platform for both male and female students to re-orient their mindsets and think of ways of addressing key gender inequality issues within Ghanaian and African societies in general.

What do you wish others (colleagues, students) knew about what you do? 
My work and research seeks to create awareness in gender issues and also to bridge gender gaps in society.

If you could share one piece of advice with students, what would it be?
They should focus on their studies and aspire to higher levels.

So far in your career, what do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
The ability to support many graduate students to go through their programmes successfully.

Finally, if you weren't doing this, what would you be doing?
Mentoring younger people especially females.