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Legon Journal of Humanities

 Aims and Scope of Legon Journal of the Humanities


AIMS AND SCOPE Founded in 1974, Legon Journal of the Humanities (LJH) is a peer-reviewed periodical published by the College of Humanities, University of Ghana. LJH welcomes the following types of contributions in the humanities from scholars in all countries:

1. research articles
2. reviews of new and particularly noteworthy books and films
3. interviews with distinguished writers, filmmakers, and scholars

The journal is devoted to the study of the humanities, operationally conceptualized to cover not just the arts and languages but also social science disciplines, such as cultural studies, geography, international affairs, management studies, political science, psychology, and sociology. The journal occasionally publishes theme-based issues, coordinated by guest editors. For such editions, a call for papers (CFP) is announced in a preceding number of the journal and also through listserv/mail shots.

For all its issues, LJH only publishes original contributions (i.e., papers that have not been published elsewhere) and therefore, disapproves of duplicate publication and multiple submissions of the same paper to different publication outlets. In consonance with best academic practices, it equally takes a very dim view of the illegitimate direct replication of material in the form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. The Editorial Board will not only ban authors of plagiarized material from any subsequent association with the journal, but also bring any breach of intellectual property rights to the attention of the contributor’s institution.

The language of publication is English. As of Vol. 26, LJH will be published online twice a year as a gratis open access journal.


Legon Journal of the Humanities is indexed in Modern Language Association (MLA) and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).


Two issues per year


While LJH published papers (new and archived) can be freely downloaded from its website in compliance with its gratis open access policy, hard copies of current and recent issues as well as offprints of specific papers can only be provided on demand. Citation of a paper from LJH should include name of quoted author, journal title, volume, number, title of paper, page, year of publication, and Digital Object Identifier (DOI)/Uniform Resource Locator(URL).